
$8.00 per month

The fee includes one recycling tote with a yellow lid (64 or 96 gallon) and 2 pick ups per month. All recyclables must fit in tote each pick up. Additional totes can be requested for a minimal fee.

View 2025 Recycling Schedule

Recycling Guidelines

Plastics Milk Jugs, water bottles, detergent bottles and plastics labeled #1-#7
Glass Bottles and jars only. Remove all lids and rings. Must be rinsed out. No window glass or light bulbs.
Steel food cans, Tin cans, Aluminum cans
Aluminum foil, Pie plates
All must be rinsed and clean of good debris.
Cardboard Chipboard, Corrugated cardboard, cereal boxes, mailing boxes and any non-coated boxes. All boxes must be broken down.
Newspaper Please make sure to bundle together or store in paper bags.

We DO NOT accept plastic store bags, paper, books, magazines, junk mail, regular mailers or Styrofoam. If these items are in your recycling tote it is considered contaminated recycling and will be left behind. If we have to dump your recycling as trash it will be an extra $8.00 and added to your bill.

Recycling must be set out the night before your service day to guarantee pick up. All recycling must be to the street. No alley pick up.