City of Kendallville Residents
We are proud to offer the trash and recycling pickup service to the residents of the City of Kendallville. For more information on weekly trash pickup and answers to common questions, please see below.
View Kendallville Trash Pickup Schedule
Weekly Trash Pick Up Q & A
When does the weekly trash and twice monthly recycling pick-up begin?
This will start January 1, 2021.
Who is included in weekly trash and twice monthly recycling pick-up?
One & two family dwellings within the City Limits.
What day of the week will my trash be picked up?
Please visit the City of Kendallville website to view a pick-up map or call the City Clerk’s Office at (260) 347-0852.
When will my recycling be picked up?
Recycling pickup will take place on the 1st and 3rd weeks of the month with your trash pick-up.
What holidays will affect any service days?
The holidays that will possibly affect service days will be New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. If these holidays fall during the Monday-Friday work week service days will be pushed back one service day. Example: Wednesday will be on Thursday, Thursday will be on Friday and Friday will be on Saturday. If stated holidays fall on a Saturday or Sunday, then service will be on the normal pick up day.
What should I do if I currently have a tote with Noble County Disposal?
You need to continue using the tote you currently have. If you want a bigger tote than what you are currently using, please call the Noble County Disposal office and they will swap your current tote with the large 96 gallon tote.
May I continue to use my trash container that I purchased myself?
No. All totes must be issued from Noble County Disposal. These are designed for pick up with their trucks.
How will I know the difference between my trash tote and recycling tote?
Your trash tote will have a black lid and your recycling tote will have a yellow lid.
If I do not need the large 96 gallon tote can I choose to go with a smaller tote?
Yes. Smaller sizes are available for those who do not generate much trash and cannot handle a larger tote. The monthly fee will remain the same regardless of the size you use.
Currently I use 2 – 96 gallon totes. How does that work?
Each eligible household is only provided with 1 – 96 gallon tote and 1 – 96 gallon recycling tote. If you feel you need the 2nd 96 gallon tote, you will have to call Noble County Disposal and pay for the usage of the 2nd tote.
What happens if I have more bags than what will fit in my tote?
Noble County Disposal will only dump what will fit inside the tote per week. If you have extra bags you will have to call the NCD office with a count of how many extra bags and prepay for that amount before your service day. If not, they will be left behind and you will have to make your own arrangements for the extra trash. Extra trash that is put in recycling totes will also be left behind. Recycling totes are for recycling only.
What type of material can I put in the trash tote?
The tote is for regular household trash only. No yard waste, leaves, concrete, brick, dirt, rocks, paint, ashes, cardboard, construction material or hazardous waste.
We are remodeling the house. Can I put remodeling material in my trash tote?
No. The tote is for regular weekly trash only. A picture will be taken of contents and remodeling material will be left behind.
Can electronics or fluorescent bulbs be put in my tote as trash?
No. No electronics or fluorescent bulbs of any kind can be thrown away in the weekly trash. Electronics and fluorescent bulbs must be recycled. You can take them to the Noble County Disposal Office on Highway 6. TV’s, CRT Monitors, printers and fluorescent bulbs do have a minimal fee. All other electronics are free. (Ex: towers, laptops, mouse, keyboard, speakers, radios, telephones, receivers, phones etc.) You can always call the Noble County Disposal office (260) 349-9150 for more details.
Does the trash need to be bagged in my trash tote?
Yes. It is always best to bag your household trash. This helps keep trash from blowing out of the truck and into the city streets.
Am I required to participate in the recycling program?
While participation is not a strict requirement, recycling is strongly encouraged. Recycling is made easy by utilizing the “all in one” recycling tote. If you decide not to use the recycling tote the recycling fee still applies. You will have to make arrangements with Noble County Disposal to pick up the recycling tote for non use.
What can be recycled in the recycling tote?
Cardboard (must be broke down and easily fit in tote), aluminum cans, water bottles, plastic containers, milk jugs, detergent bottles, newspaper, and tin cans. All food containers must be rinsed out and no lids on any containers or water bottles. Plastic store bags are NOT recyclable! No electronics or batteries of any kind! If the driver notices you have not recycled correctly your recycling will be left behind.
Does the recycling need to be bagged in my recycling tote?
No. The recycling center is asking that recycling not to be put in plastic bags because it makes it harder to sort. Recycling can be comingled in your tote for pick up.
What happens if the tote I am using breaks?
This does happen occasionally…lids crack, wheels break, etc. If this happens, please call the Noble County Disposal office and report it. The tote will be swapped out or the parts will be replaced the following week on your service day. If the tote is damaged negligently or intentionally by the customer, he/she will be charged for any repairs or the replacement of the tote.
What if my trash tote or recycling tote comes up missing?
Every eligible household will get a trash tote and recycling tote with a serial number on the front of their tote. The serial number will be linked to your address. It is with great importance you keep track of your totes. If your tote has been missing longer than 48 hours another tote will be issued. If this happens consecutively a replacement fee of $75.00 may occur.
Do I take my totes with me if I move to another address within the city limits?
No. Please leave your tote at the current address since the totes are tracked by their serial number associated with the address they were delivered. You will have to contact the office for additional information to moving.
I currently get my trash picked up in the alley. Will I still have alley pick up?
No. All totes will have to be moved to the street for pick up each week. Alley service will be eliminated.
Should I set the totes out to the curb a certain way for pick up?
Totes must be setting to the curb with the serial number facing the street. The totes need to be least 3 ft away from each other and other objects such as vehicles, trees, mailboxes for driver access and for safety.
When do I set my trash and recycling out for pick up?
All totes must be to the curb for pick up by 6:00 a.m. of your assigned pick up day. It is always best to set out the night before your service day. If your totes are not out for pick up when the driver comes through a picture will be taken and you will have to wait until the following week.
When do I need to remove my trash and recycling totes from the curb?
All totes must be removed from along the street by 8:00 p.m. of your service day. Any totes left out longer are subject to fines.
I have bulk items (such as a couch) to dispose of and do not want to wait until the semi-annual curbside pickup. How do I dispose of these items?
For an extra fee, you can call Noble County Disposal and schedule an extra haul for the item to be picked up or you can also haul the item yourself to Kendallville Iron & Metal.
Who do I contact if I have a problem?
If you have any billing issues, contact the City of Kendallville Clerk’s Office at (260) 347-0852. For any tote issues, contact Noble County Disposal (260) 349-9150.